Monday, December 12, 2016

Almost Home

The HWCV is almost our home!  On Friday we received our occupancy permits from the county.  On Saturday we moved the heavy furniture with the help of some good friends.  Today I organized and cleaned. And we are going to move our mattresses and remaining furniture on Wednesday!  Our awesome contractor, Matt Allen Construction, has been finishing up the last few details, and it looks amazing.  I didn't get any photos today, but I will share the updates I have!


Kids' Bedrooms and Bathrooms

Hmmm...I don't have a picture of the girl's bathroom.  It is super cute; I will try to get a picture up soon.  

Master Bed and Bath

Powder Room

Laundry Room


I can't wait to show you the amazing pantry that is completed.  But it's going to be a while.  I have to move.  I should be packing.  Why am I still on the computer!?!  Excuse any typos...I'm not proofreading.  

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