Monday, November 14, 2016

Gonna Need a New Name Soon

Soon the HWCV will be HOME!  And though it will no longer be the "House With Cat Vomit," I am considering keeping the acronym.  It has become such a big part of my lexicon that my phone places it on the suggestion bar when I start typing H.

Now I find myself driving along and pondering new names for the HWCV.  The following have been ruled out by me (or vetoed by my sane husband.)

  • House with carnivorous velociraptors
  • Hot white cheesy Veleeta
  • Hoards of wild crazy vagabonds
  • Heaps of white crunchy vegetables
  • Honey where's the cold vodka

Some quick pictures to make your click worthwhile.  

Entry Chandelier

Trim is being completed upstairs.

Luke's bathroom is ready for the finishes.

1 comment:

  1. Home With a Country Vibe? Love following your blog! (Em Furlercotter)
