Thursday, September 29, 2016

Drywall Woes

I've often said that we combined all of the frustrations of a new build with all of the problems of a renovation!  These past two weeks have been nothing but problems and frustration about the drywall.

First, the original drywall subcontractor fell through.  Our contractor had checked with the subcontractor on a Friday to confirm they were starting Monday.  They confirmed, but then on Monday didn't show. When our contractor called on Monday morning, they said they couldn't do it.


So our contractor found someone to start a week later: this past Monday.
(I recognize that finding a good subcontractor on such short notice and on budget is a gift from God!)
Drywall was delivered last Friday. The new drywall subcontractor got to work first thing Monday morning.  Halfway through the day on Tuesday, he realized that some of the drywall was crumbling and falling apart. We apparently received a defective product.  Today 61 sheets of hung drywall were torn down and replaced.  The supplier is replacing the product, so this isn't a hit to the budget, just the timeline.

We are grateful that the subcontractor realized the problem and is taking the steps to make sure everything is right.  But still...


Next time you watch HGTV and see the dramatized problem that gets quickly resolved, know that is only a small glimpse at how it really goes down.

Keepin' it real.

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