Thursday, May 12, 2016

Because every place has to have a name

Almost three years ago, my FIL approached us about a farm that he was purchasing.  He was interested in the tillable land, but asked if we would be interested in the house.  We really liked the property, so we went to look at the house.  The (elderly) former owner was in the hospital at the time and someone was taking care of her cat for her.  When we walked through the house, there was a small area in the hall where the cat had vomited.  As we discussed the house with our kids thereafter, they would always ask, "That was the house with cat vomit, right?"  And so the name stuck.  When the time came to buy it from my in-laws, we sat down with the kids to discuss the coming changes.  We asked them, "what do you want to call the house until we can call it home?"  We discussed several options, but in the end, decided to call it "The House With Cat Vomit." And as my MIL's friend recently said, "Well...every place has to have some name."

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